What to Expect on Your First Yoga Retreat

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Hosting yoga retreats has quickly become one of my absolute favorite parts of my job. I’ve been lucky enough to get to host in South Africa, Bali, Croatia, Peru, Moab, Morocco, Egypt and Patagonia. Of course 2020 has looked a little different than originally planned but I do have retreats planned in Bali, New Zealand, Galapagos and more to be determined for 202! Bali still has spots available so if you’re looking to sign up, that would be an amazing first retreat experience to have! All of my retreats include travel within the country too so we can experience the local culture, people, activities and views as well as a bit of yoga!

If you’re still at the research stage though and simply want some information for what to expect from your first yoga retreat, I’ve listed a few things out below. But I have to say, if you love travel and exploring new parts of the world, there’s a strong chance you’re going to want to book ASAP! ;)

Because we come from all over the world, jet lag is to be expected. Don’t worry though! Once we’re on the trip, we have lots of tips and tricks to help everyone feel their best adjusting to the new time zone. 

WhatsApp group
For each retreat we create a WhatsApp group so everyone on the retreat can “meet” before we travel. We can chat about packing, flights, transfers, and have a space for questions and concerns. We also discuss whether certain countries require shots.

New food 
We try the local cuisine, which is always such a fun experience. We do ask that any dietary restrictions are known before we travel so we can accommodate ANYONE!

Retreats range from 12-20 students so you meet lots of new people and have a chance to break off in smaller groups for dinners, free time, or, at times, excursions (some retreats have different options for travelers).

Daily yoga
Yoga classes are offered daily and sometimes more than once per day. You can expect daily vinyasa, mobility, or yin classes. Usually two workshops per retreat. We also do some guided meditations, but it is YOUR retreat so if at any point you feel like you need to pass on a practice for self care, feel free!

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Off the grid
Often we travel into areas that don't always have the best service (Egypt, Morocco, and South Africa were tough) so it’s an amazing chance to detox! We also help everyone get SIM cards when you need them!

A few commonly asked questions…

What do I pack?
In our WhatsApp group I will outline exactly what you will need to pack. From converters, to yoga equipment, types of clothing, etc. Plus you can message me anytime! I'll hold your hand through each step!

What level of yoga?
I have always offered ALL LEVEL yoga retreats. I have had people who almost never practice yoga to many who are more ‘advanced’ in their practice. It’s so wonderful to have everyone as I offer lots of modifications and options!

Can I come alone?
I have had MANY come solo! I promise we will make it so easy for you! Solo travel is life changing. If you feel a whisper to do it... it might be worth listening to that nudge.

My goal is to get people to see the world, practice yoga, and step a little more fully into themselves. Traveling has changed my life. Helped me feel more confident as a woman. Given me more compassion for those around me. And shifted my world view completely. I hope these are just some of your takeaways when on a retreat me with!