My Morning Routine

I like to think I share a little a bit of everything with you guys, but something I share a lot of over on Instagram is my morning routine. It's my time to get a flow in, hop on the peloton, clear my head and honestly just be for a minute before the craziness of the day kicks in. I love my kids and being their mom and I love showing up for this amazing community, but that precious time in the morning... it's s'good for my soul. The best way I like to put it is it's starting my day on the offensive instead of the defensive. So let's walk through what a typical morning looks like for me Monday-Friday and then I'd love to hear from you on what your mornings look like! It's such a personal thing and I'm betting everyone's looks a little bit different!

5:00 am - Wake up and literally roll out of bed in whatever I'm wearing and go straight to my mat. Side note: After learning the five-second rule from Mel Robbins, it changed the game for me in terms of getting out of bed. Highly recommend the book (I also have a list of other excellent books I love here)!


5:00 am - Wake up and head straight to the Peloton for a 10-30 minute ride (check out my Peloton routine, what instructors I love and more). This has been my go-to lately. I do so much yoga throughout the day for my app and on IG that it's been really, really nice to have another form of movement. When I first started sharing about cycling on IG I think it threw some people off because it wasn't yoga, but I actually think it's so smart to incorporate different kinds of movement and exercise into your routine. I wrote more about this here and also shared my complete workout schedule too if you're curious!

5:30 am - Make coffee. If you've been following me for any amount of time you know I'm a big coffee girl. I have a whole section devoted to it on my Amazon Storefront but I especially love this frother. Anyway, coffee is always part of the routine!

5:45 am - Wake the kids up. This is where the routine gets a bit more chaotic :)

It's simple and usually only about 45 minutes, but it's 45 minutes for me and that's what I love about it!

A quick note that I'm absolutely not saying you need to start your day just like me or at 5 am to have a good day. But I do encourage you to wake up every day for YOU and not for your kids or your partner or for work or whatever life is throwing at you. Wake up and do something for YOU! This mindset has helped me grow so much and it makes that 5 am wake up call something I actually look forward to (most days! ;))